Sunday 18 October 2009


This weekend has got to have been the most bizarre yet.

Yesterday, I accompanied my Grandmother, her friends, my Aunt and Rob to go and watch Cliff Richard and the Shadows. Hmm.
I got excited when they sang Summer Holiday, I think I gave Rob a dead leg at this point. Grandy got chatted up on the train home, which was hilarious.. Photographic evidence will find it's way up somehow.

Before this, I cooked a meal for the boy. It turned out good, bar the potatoes. I left them boiling for too long. This is what happens when I watch The Big Bang Theory, everything else is forgotten. He seemed to enjoy it. Even The Big Bang Theory. So much so that after being major Clifftors, we came back and watched some more. I have him hooked. Haha.

My room feels strangely quiet this evening. I don't know if I like it this way. I don't think I'll be able to get to sleep as easy as last night.

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